Monday, September 19, 2011

200 Followers.... Thank you!

Well, it seems like only yesterday that I was celebrating 150 followers, and here we are at 200! Very happy about that, thank you for continuing to follow this blog with all of your great feedback!

I also want to thank all of you for providing feedback about your 9/11 memories. Unfortunately, a lot of you were too young at the time to really get a sense of the gravity of the situation, but I still got a decent grasp of how my international readers and their respective communities responded to the attacks. It's always interesting to see how people from a different nation view your nation, and I like to widen my perspective. Thanks again.

Honored to be affectionately and respectfully your humble servant,


  1. just thought id comment to say, I want one of those in that pic! lmaoo
    but on a serious note most people dont know why the 9/11 occurred i agree

  2. Congrats! Oh, and I agree about the 9/11 thing. I too was really young at the time...

  3. I like the invention in the picture!

  4. Congratulations on your milestone, you've got a great blog, very interesting and thats why so many follow/read it. + Followed (:

  5. Congrats! May you have many more.

  6. Damn, that's a lot of people! congrats.

  7. That's a lot. I'm going to check out your blog, looking at the number, I bet it has some pretty nice content.

  8. You have my most honest congratulations, your blog has been great over these past days and I'm sure you deserve every last bit of your success. Have a good one!

  9. gratz! and that is one "complicated" simple device there

  10. If that back scratcher isn't made soon I'm going to be really upset!

  11. Congrats man, I myself am going for 200 followers as well lol!

  12. Congrats, I hope I get there someday :)

  13. Congrats for the followers

  14. You deserve 200 followers since you have a great blog :)

  15. Congratulations!

    And I think I get the picture, you're giving yourself a pat on the back ahahahaaaaaa HA

  16. congrats! :D great job running the place my man. :)
