Tuesday, July 5, 2011

O.J. and Casey Anthony.... What do they have in common (amongst other things)? Haters gonna hate.

Holla, holla! It's murdaaaaaah!

Good thing I didn't waste the last three years of my life not minding my own business, listening to these insufferable shrews Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell incessantly yammer on obnoxiously about the most mundane, frivolous details regarding this trial, or I might be pretty upset right now about the verdict.

Instead, I wisely didn't spend every night staring at Grace's and Velez-Mitchell's miserable, chomping mugs, which seem to be forever frozen in a permanent scowl, as if by some ill-fated curse from the Gods of Mt. Olympus, that illustrates the fact that they are the most unbearable, screeching blowhards to ever find themselves in front of a television camera. Well, perhaps besides Glenn Beck.

"Tot-Mom! Tot-Mom! blah! blah! derp! derpity! derp! RAWR! Tot-Mom!"

Thank the Lord (for lack of a better phrase), that I have been born with enough sense to not voluntarily endure that self-inflicted torment. My parents, unfortunately, were clearly not conceived with this valuable instinct, as they went ahead and spent much of the last three years of their lives braving this unnecessary inferno. What they call "compassion" and "curiosity", I call masochism, but so it is.

That said, of course it is unfortunate that this little girl does not seem destined for justice, but the media attention given this trial has always perplexed me, as does similar murder/abduction/missing person "news". What makes it more newsworthy than others? These sort of things happen all the time! Surely, the fact that the victim is a white, little girl gives it more mass appeal in this country, Canada, Europe, etc. Meanwhile, children of minority backgrounds are murdered all the time under rather despicable circumstances, but Nancy and Jane could not be bothered. 

Better to spend three years ranting about the same case, and all for it to end in anti-climactic disappointment for most involved.  Oh well. Time to sensationally beat another dead horse, I suppose. Back to work, ladies.


  1. Boy did I feel out of place the other day asking, "wait, what should I care about this week? I haven't watched the news."

  2. I agree with you, but sadly, this is how world works. +1 follower

  3. This was in the news for 3 years? I heard nothing of it. Now that I have, I still don't care.

  4. Politics blogs are hard to come by! At least WE care! =)

  5. I am incapable of watching Nancy Grace for more than 10 seconds.

  6. @ ThirtySeven, are you being sarcastic? lol I'm sure there's far too many political blogs on here. To be clear, though, this blog won't only be about politics, but also ethical debates, social commentary, humorous observations, etc.

    @ T. Roger... indeed, hence the description, "unbearable, screeching blowhard" hahaha

    @ everyone, thanks for reading/following, I will follow you as well if I haven't already. Any suggestions, let me know!

  7. Justice system works! I think so. I hope to hear some more stuff about social commentary in general aside from politics. I love the blog and layout so far.

  8. i totaly agree with you guy..follow you

  9. I try to avoid watching the news for that reason exactly (among others). I remember hearing about Caylee Anthony going missing years ago, but I managed to completely miss any rants about it until the day of the trial verdict. My grandmother, however, watched everything and after the trial, she would not shut up about it!

  10. Unfortunately its been like this for a while, giving way more coverage to some cases than others! Could recall a similar thing, in terms of media attention, when little Madelaine disappeared mysteriously, could bet if she was not white and british it would not have been the same thing!

  11. Really sad this world...nice post!

  12. Not my kinda style, but i enjoyed reading it! I really did.

  13. @FinBis: looks like media all over the world works like this;]

  14. sad... this is how world works..

  15. I think that was photoshoped! hahahahaha
    Haters gonna hate!

  16. I always try to avoid watching news on TV and I prefer reading independent news sources (like blogs, for instance). Then I get a bigger picture and I don't depend on one megacorporation telling me what to think.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I just love the nick names they give these people, tot mom? Are you serious? And there the ones thats hazardous to society. SMH

  19. All this media coverage is taking over my TV grr.
