Monday, November 28, 2011

In Support of the Occupy Wall Street Movement

 Disregard the corporate-influenced Conservative and Media spin-off of these protestors "Not knowing what they're protesting about", "being dirty, smelly hippies", or "lazy whiners". They would have you believe that Occupy Wall Street (and their counterparts from cities around the world) protestors are enduring police beatings, pepper spray to the face, tasings, arrests, nights in jail, acquiring criminal records, cold nights in crammed encampments, giving up the comforts of their homes for days/weeks, and other sacrifices just to hear themselves "whine" and because they are too lazy to work. Really? I've never heard of someone being so dedicated to laziness. 

Was this really necessary? Is this freedom of speech? Has the U.S. become a "Police State"?

We can't compete with Corporate America on their terms in the current political system. Our lawyers aren't as good, our pockets not deep enough to have our politicians actually work for us. All we have is our numbers and our votes, and our votes only get us so far since 99% of politicians only seem to answer to their biggest donors. So, all we have is our numbers. We dissolve that, at this crucial moment, and we will only enbolden those who use their influence to quite literally squeeze us like sponges.

Here's a prime example of the type of corporate corruption allowed to take place in our country by which the OWS movement are so enraged. A number of Corporations have coalesced with Congress to dishonestly horde the pension/retirement money promised to their workers through legal loopholes, and then later complain that it is "too expensive" to take care of their retired employees.

This interview on The Daily Show with investigative journalist Ellen Schultz explains this outrageous, dishonest greed, and the way that the super-rich are able to use their resources to manipulate the system: 

If the embedded link doesn't work, you can watch it HERE.

What are your thoughts? How do you feel about the Occupy Wall Street movement, whether it be here. or the demonstrations outside of the U.S.? What are your reactions to the videos I've posted?
I appreciate your feedback and continued support!

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


  1. wow very good and interesting post !! +1

  2. that bad, and raised the question, Was this really necessary?

  3. Great post, whappened was really unnecessary

  4. They shouldn't be allowed to do this. The occupy movement will continue, and it will succeed. We are the 99%!

  5. The video can't be played in my Country (Canada) Non of John Stuarts videos on that site can be.
    I support the Occupy Wall Street protests! And I'm always suprised how uninformed others can be! I'm glad people like you blog about this to spread awareness! I wish more people cared!

  6. My entire life I've respected police officers and higher authority, but what they've been doing of late with all of the Occupy protesters has really started to shake my beliefs

  7. It was horrible.

    ... but the meme that came out was really funny.

  8. Occupy the big fat money makers...

  9. They take their shit too serious (the police).

  10. We had this kind of thing happening in South Africa too.

  11. I think that the other police officers present should have arrested the one officer at UC Davis who pepper sprayed all those non-threatening people.

    Now following

  12. The executives that are obtaining these great returns, earned them by innovating and creating value within the corporation to begin with. These great Americans have fueled our economy for years creating jobs and great new productions/services for America. Up until recently (2008-2009) when lower-middle class Americans began to purchase assets (primarily houses) using the NINJA/NINA loans & mortgages, which they knew damn well they could not afford and decided not to re-read the terms of which they were purchasing these assets, causing a major financial crisis across all financial institutes in which insurance companies had to back up and went under as well as causing people to stop spending their money, which freezes up the economy causing corporations to have to lay off employees to stay afloat in a competitive market. Now I’m curious why these executives who created billions in value for these corporations should have to pay for others mistakes?

  13. Feels bad for people in occupy wallstreet..

  14. Man this is still going on? Thanks for the informative post.

  15. Did this really have to happen.

  16. Protest for World Revolution...

  17. The video of the police macing these innocent kids is one of the most vicious, blood-boiling things I've seen recently. But things like this happen everyday in America.
