Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene... I Guess God Decided We Needed More Coastal Destruction

Religious people will probably tell you that the reason for this potentially very destructive Hurricane coming up the east coast of the U.S. is because "It is part of God's plan". Hmmm... Would somebody please explain to me why the perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God feels that it is a good idea to send a destructive hurricane to destroy our homes and kill many of us?

"Hmmm... You know what the east coast of the U.S. hasn't had in awhile? A devestating hurricane. Let's make that happen."

God works in mysterious ways, of course. Nothing like a perfect, all-loving, super logical being to "mysteriously" and randomly throw destructive obstacles in our human ant-farm. It couldn't just be naturally occurring weather patterns. Nah, it couldn't be.

Thoughts? Queries?

I am affectionately and respectfully your humble servant,


  1. It's part of God's plan. Have you ever read the bible? He's just training for a massive destruction

  2. this one girl in my psych class said "The earth has a way of cleaning itself"

  3. well things happen for a reason, best if we prepare and just live it out.

  4. I don't want my power to go out :(

  5. Natural disasters happen naturally or else it wouldn't be natural.

  6. If He wants to get rid of us, then just blow up the entire earth right away!

  7. The East coast is getting nailed, First the Earthquake, now this.

  8. Just cause some religous person says thats the reason doesn't mean it is. They don't know gods plan they only say they do!

  9. I'm on the West Coast. I just hope everything turns out ok.

  10. lol, So why is it part of "God's plan" do destroy the east coast randomly with massive storms? Or to have destructive earthquakes/tsunamis, etc., etc.? It makes absolutely no sense, and if I hear "God works in mysterious ways", I'm gonna be pissed. Anyone?

  11. God's plan is whatever he deems fit.

  12. in the words of frankie boyle, because "on the eighth day god created a magic talking leopard...and forgot all about us".

  13. That quote from Frankie Boyle :P He was a legend.

    Back on subject, I have nothing against peoples beliefs...until they try and make me change mine.

  14. just hope they can ride it out safely

  15. Hopefully their isnt too much damage.

  16. you can't go against nature.. so nature just punishes people that way that's what i think

  17. I personally don't believe in god, but hey, great post!

  18. "Would somebody please explain to me why the perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God feels that it is a good idea to send a destructive hurricane to destroy our homes and kill many of us?"

    just ask a pastor... it's the gays! DUH!

  19. Implying god exists...

    2011 believing in god...

  20. I completely agree.... Hopefully everyone is keeping well and safe! :)

  21. My power went out for 9 hours yesterday. DAMN YOU GOD. Oh wait, I don't believe in him.

  22. kinda nice it was downgraded to a tropical storm.

  23. because america has been sinning too much - what a pastor would say.

  24. "Sin? On MY PLANET?
    Let's the proffesionals resolve that!
    Just call 1-800-HURRICANE!"

  25. Religious people call it God, i call it nature :P Either way we are not in control.

  26. yh all this proves is gods lack of existence why wud he do such things if hes all powerful ...

  27. "Adults with imaginary friends are stupid"
    Just like that.

  28. Religious people will probably say it's "Him testing our faith in Him", but cmon why would such a wise being "test" us in such a way? unless all these years of existence might have affected Him somehow and His sanity!

  29. It's always best to be prepared!

  30. Good thinking, bro. I never sympathized with Christian thinking and the logic holes are enormous.

  31. I love your sarcasm and I totally agree with you
