Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bill Maher: "If hypocrisy was uranium, they (Conservatives) would power the planet"... Are Americans Closeted Socialists?

July 29, 2011 Clip: New Rule – It Gets Better

Do the American people really secretly love socialized programs? As Bill Maher demonstrates in this clip of a recent segment of "New Rules", certainly many of the detractors (Often Teabaggers and other conservatives) of Socialized programs and "big government" ignorantly and/or hypocritically denounce such programs, while shamelessly taking advantage of them. If we don't love big-government ran programs, then we certainly often happily rely on them.

What do you guys think?  Leave your thoughts, both American and international opinions are welcome! 

(We will revisit this video in the next post to tackle a separate issue raised by Bill Maher.)

I am affectionately and respectfully your humble servant,

*For those who can't view the embedded video, here's the link to it:


  1. I can't watch the video in Canada!

    But based on what you said, I do think Americans like socialism. But many Americans have a weird sense of what that means (they think social programs equals socialism like Stalin).

  2. Nothing but curious pleasures, as from thence Following!

  3. Haha awesome title

    That guy in the vid is smug as always!

  4. great post mate thx for sharing

  5. I honestly don't think ANYONE knows why 'socialist' is a bad term. WE are socialists

  6. I have a secret "in the closet" love for socialsm

  7. I don't usually care much for what Maher says, but that is a genius quote

  8. Better socialist, than asocialist...

  9. Bill Maher has really let me down this year. He never questions anything anymore. It's like he is starting to accept what the media feeds him.

  10. definitely looks like they do love socialized programs

  11. Clueless Dolphin, just check Eastern Europe. Socialism kinda destroyed it.

  12. Bill Maher is one funny dude lol

  13. Our country is filled with too many tools and unthinking sheep to deem us any type of governmental structure. The masses root for political parties like they do their football teams. They're not educated enough to say that they're "republican" or "democrats", because they don't understand what either means, they just think what Bill Maher or Glenn Beck tell them to.

  14. I sometimes think this country would be better if we were socialists. Things would mellow out a little bit, right? Anyone? Bueller?

  15. I love bill mahr. the guy is a genius. + follow

  16. great post dude go on ;)

  17. Maher really does tell it how it is. Really like that guy

  18. @Christopher.. I think Maher questions a lot, but I think he feels no matter how much this administration seems to be missing the plot at times, much of it has to do with Conservatives being anti-Obama, even if they're debating the color of the sky. He is always going to be railing against the far-right because they are so far off the grid of sensible, relevant policy, it's scary.

    @ThingsYouWant... to be fair, I think EVERYONE likes "free" hand outs, and everyone takes advantage of them when they can, which is understandable, since most of us pay enough taxes. The point is, the Government runs a lot of the programs that we not only enjoy but have grown to rely upon, but Conservatives would have you think the Federal Government is good for nothing. What they should admit is that Congerss is the most glaring example of a good-for-nothing collective of Government employees. With that said, there should certainly be some welfare reform since many people unfairly/lazily take advantage of it. Everyone should pay their part.

  19. The Tea Party really are stupid! They deserve Sarah Palin

  20. Bill Maher is a legend. Good post.

  21. DEMOCRATS are closet socialists.

  22. bill marrs a dick, i cant wait til he gets fired

  23. really interesting, learning about tea party in history right now

  24. socialized programs..... what happened to the bets fit person for the job

  25. The country is full of too many people who don't understand a single thing about any government, even what socialism even means

  26. I saw Coach say that originally and couldn't get my jaw off the floor for days.

    I'm convinced that the guy with the keeping government out of Medicare sign is just a great troll.

  27. I love Bill Mahr, and I love this clip!

  28. I know who he his, but I am having trouble viewing your video and following that link. But I will definitely check it out later and have a response for you.

  29. @TgQuagmire... Bill Maher is hilarious, and he acts like a dick to dumbass neoconservatives, cuz they deserve it. He will NEVER get fired, by the way, not while he's on HBO.

  30. They might also cause another Fukishima

  31. Great post, great blog dude

  32. great post, Im starting to read your articles as they are interesting!
